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Evolution of the hearing aid – they’re not what they used to be

by | Dec 8, 2017 | Expert Insights, Patient Resources, Technology | 0 comments

Hearing loss is not a modern issue. In ancient times, people hollowed out animal horns and shells to amplify sound. Fast forward a few centuries and these shells developed into the more well-known ear trumpets you may have seen in the movies. Since then, like cell phones, they just keep reducing in size. Despite the past decade of serious change, hearing aids somehow still have a negative stigma in America. Here at Acadian Hearing, we would like to get a few things clear.


They’re actually discreet.

Gone are the days of large, clunky batteries and boxes that our elderly relatives used to wear. Hearing aids now range from the tiny to the practically invisible; so much so that a friend will find it tough to spot that you have one unless you point it out.


They are incredible things.

With some forward-thinking brands now featuring internet connectivity, Bluetooth and even biometric calibration, hearing aids sure are getting very advanced. These devices now connect your hearing aid directly to your TV, your cell, your computer or radio with ease, meaning you’re now more connected than ever before.


No need for fiddling.

Most digital hearing aids now automatically adjust to your surroundings. This means you can wander around at peace, in the knowledge that you will be able to hear perfectly well whether you’re at the mall or in your own garage.


The age of ‘hearables’ is here.

Far from old-fashioned, hearing aids are the future for technophiles. The use of innovative technology in the hearing aid world is growing extremely fast. All of those tools you find in a mobile phone or within wearable fitness trackers will soon be found within a hearing aid. People with these hearing aids will be able to track their activity levels, automatically alert family if they fall, make telephone calls via the device, listen to traffic updates in their location, and much more.


Hearing aids evolution infographics


So now we’ve cleared that up, how about you take the next step towards better hearing? Contact us now to book a screening and get ahead of the game.

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Dr. Heidi J Sorrells - Audiologist

Dr. Heidi J. Sorrells obtained her doctorate degree from Salus University in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Minot State University in Minot, North Dakota. She is a certified audiologist by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), and she holds a Louisiana and a Texas audiology license. Dr. Sorrells enjoys all aspects of working in a private practice audiology clinic but especially loves the challenges of vestibular (balance) assessment and rehabilitation.