Many individuals with hearing loss are exhausted at the end of a normal day due to the added strain of following conversations they can’t hear well.
The use of hearing aids makes conversations easier to follow, reducing daily fatigue, but they have to perform at their best for you to reap their benefits.
Proper cleaning and troubleshooting at home go a long way toward getting the most from your hearing device. Still, we want to ensure that hearing aid users in the Lake Charles community receive all possible advantages by offering hearing aid cleaning and performance checks to patients and non-patients in our area.
Why Is Hearing Aid Maintenance so Important?
I always advise my patients at Acadian Hearing Services to establish a daily cleaning and inspection routine to ensure that they get the best performance from their hearing instruments. Staying faithful to this routine can help head off performance issues and costly repairs.
Most users encounter the same common hearing aid problems as they adjust to their device, but most are easy to overcome using a few troubleshooting steps.
The average service life of your device is three to five years, so to take advantage of new technologies and to make sure you are getting the most benefit from your device, you should consider updating or upgrading your equipment as it reaches the end of its service life.
At Acadian Hearing Services, we want to stress the importance of seeing your audiologist for regular check-ups to determine any changes in your hearing ability. Therefore, provide a thorough analysis of your device to ensure it is tuned up to more suitable settings.
What Is Included In a Clean & Check?
We can clean and check all types and brands of hearing instruments, which includes:
• A diagnostic check through a listening device.
• Cleaning and sanitizing the instrument case.
• Replacing wax and debris filtration systems.
• Vacuuming and cleaning microphones.
• Cleaning of moisture and corrosion in battery compartments.
• Repeat of the initial diagnostic check.
We respond to appointments for our clean and check service right away. This service is part of our commitment to ongoing hearing care for existing patients. Still, we provide non-patients in Lake Charles and surrounding areas the same service for a very reasonable fee of just $30.
We know it’s not easy to find someone to service your hearing aids if you purchased them elsewhere, but we are eager to provide this service regardless of where you bought them.
Professional Hearing Aid Cleaning for Lake Charles Citizens
We want to ensure that all hearing aid wearers in the Lake Charles, LA community have a place to turn when it comes to professional hearing aid services.
We have a range of resources on our website to support hearing aid wearers with general hearing aid maintenance and troubleshooting tips for at-home care. We are happy to answer any of your questions regarding your devices’ regular upkeep; please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
If you believe it’s time that your hearing aid receives some proper TLC and would like to schedule a professional hearing aid clean & check with one of our experts, please get in touch by filling out the form on this page, or call us at (337)436-3277.