At Acadian Hearing Services, we want you to get the most out of your hearing devices; after all, your hearing aids are capable of incredible things!
If you’ve recently noticed your ITE or custom hearing aid has a dead battery, don’t just pop it in your drawer to deal with another day. Please take a look at our video tutorial below to find out how you can change the battery in a matter of minutes.
As a hearing aid wearer, it’s essential to wear your hearing aids daily, so don’t let a minor battery issue stop you from experiencing the world around you.
If you or a loved one requires support with your hearing device, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. We are currently operating under strict CDC guidelines should you wish to visit our office for hearing aid mainatance or repairs. Alternatively, you can use our drop-off service to have your hearing aids checked and repaired safely and conveniently.
Just call us at 337 436-3277 to find out more.