We Have Lake Charles And Southwest Louisiana Covered When It Comes To Managing The Ringing In Your Ears

A continuous ringing in the ears or a buzzing, whooshing, or hissing sound is among the most irritating conditions you can endure.

Though it’s little consolation, you’re not alone. About 75% of people experience some form of tinnitus in their lifetime.

Most people experience the symptoms of acute or temporary tinnitus after being in a noisy stadium, at a loud concert, a night in the club, or an explosive event.

However, some people experience ongoing tinnitus that stays with them 24/7.

Those who experience chronic or ongoing tinnitus often find it difficult to concentrate, relax or sleep. This leads to additional negative social, emotional, and physical health conditions that threaten their daily productivity and quality of life.

Fortunately, Acadian Hearing has Lake Charles and Southwestern Louisiana covered when it comes to managing the ringing in your ears.

Schedule Your  Tinnitus Assessment

Acadian hearing is the best. Everyone is kind. They go above and beyond to help you with your hearing problems.
Janice M.

Very friendly staff! Knowledgeable and helpful. Would recommend to anyone I know! Love being able to finally hear again.
Mildred M.

They were fast and very caring towards my son.
Ravie A.

Tinnitus: Symptoms And Causes

In the early stages of tinnitus, you might barely notice its irritating sound, but as the sound intensifies, so does the awareness of it, leading to an increased level of stress. Stress contributes to the condition, making it more intense and adding to the stress, as well as a loss of sleep and decreased productivity in a snowballing effect.

The Central Gain Theory identifies tinnitus as a neurological disorder that occurs when your brain begins to compensate for sounds that are no longer heard due to hearing loss or damage to the auditory system. A similarity to this theory is the common neurological response of amputees known as “phantom limb,” in which the brain continues to compensate for the missing arm or leg.

Though there is no identified cause of tinnitus, there are a number of contributing factors leading to it, including:

  • prolonged exposure to loud noise
  • various ototoxic drugs
  • diet
  • head trauma
  • stress
  • a blockage in the ear canal
  • vestibular issues

Hearing loss does not cause tinnitus, but it often accompanies it, suggesting a connection to processing issues associated with the inner ear, the auditory nerve, and the brain.

A rare form of tinnitus, known as pulsatile tinnitus, is usually a symptom of a blood vessel or vascular disorder, which can be linked to a head or neck tumor, cholesterol buildup, hypertension, turbulent blood flow, or malformation of the capillaries surrounding the ear. Pulsatile tinnitus is distinguished by the pulsing rhythm that tends to match your heartbeat.

Gay Lynne, patient care coordinator at Acadian Hearing
Acadian Hearing Lake Charles reception

Frequently Asked Questions About Tinnitus

Does Tinnitus Lead To Hearing Loss?

There is very little evidence that tinnitus impacts hearing loss, but many people with hearing loss are also affected by tinnitus, which is one reason that audiologists conduct a comprehensive hearing assessment when evaluating tinnitus.

What Does Tinnitus Sound Like?

Most people describe the sound of their tinnitus as a ringing sound or the high-pitched squeal (feedback) emitted by a poorly set up sound system. However, others report hearing sounds like hissing steam, rushing water, chirping crickets, bells, breaking glass, or even chainsaws.

Those experiencing pulsatile tinnitus usually describe it as a sound that matches the rhythm of their heartbeat, which becomes more intense during exercise.

Does Tinnitus Go Away?

The main distinguishing factor between acute and chronic tinnitus relates to whether the ringing in your ears is ongoing or comes and goes. Acute tinnitus is often associated with a single event where you experienced loud noise like a major sporting event, a live concert, shooting without ear protection, or an explosion, while chronic tinnitus never goes away.

What Are Some Ototoxic Drugs That Contribute To Tinnitus?

Since ototoxic drugs are a contributor to both acute and chronic tinnitus, it’s good to know which drugs to watch out for. They can be divided into three groups.

Group One includes aspirin at high doses as well as other salicylates like Amikacin, Amphotericin B (Fungizone), Bumetanide (Bumex), Carboplatin(Paraplatin), Chloroquine (Aralen), Cisplatin (Platinol), Ethacrynic acid(Edecrin), Furosemide (Lasix), and Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil).

Group Two includes the analgesic Ibuprofen (Advil) and the tricyclic anti-depressant Imipramine (Tofranil), along with Chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin), lead, and quinine sulfate.

Group Three includes alcohol, toluene, and trichloroethylene, as well as Chlordiazepoxide (Librium), Chlorhexidine (Phisohex, Hexachlorophene), Ampicillin, Iodoform, Clemastine fumarate (Tavist), Clomipramine hydrochloride (Anafranil), and Chlorpheniramine Maleate (Chlor-trimeton and several others).

Do Hearing Aids Help With Tinnitus?

The decision to use hearing aids in the treatment of tinnitus typically revolves around correcting a hearing loss rather than correcting the symptom of tinnitus. Hearing aids tend to decrease the intensity of tinnitus, and many of them come with the capacity to be programmed with tinnitus masking to help manage symptoms.

How Do Tinnitus Masking And Sound Machines Help?

Making and sound machines create or transmit background noise in order to distract you from the sounds of your tinnitus. Music, white noise, nature sounds, or background noises of various kinds are part of an overall management technique that includes counseling and coping skills to reduce the impact of tinnitus on your lifestyle, especially when you’re trying to concentrate or if you’re having trouble falling asleep.

How Will Hearing Experts Treat My Tinnitus?

Most hearing experts treat tinnitus using a holistic approach. In addition to addressing physiological issues connected to the condition, such as vestibular issues, hearing loss issues, inflammation, etc.), most use proven tinnitus management techniques that involve counseling combined with masking technologies.

Common Technologies And Techniques For Managing Tinnitus

Although there is no cure for tinnitus, there are proven techniques and technologies used to manage your symptoms and reduce the effect it has on your quality of life. Tinnitus management options often include:


  • Masking or covering awareness of the sound
  • Medications to reduce stress and anxiety or to aid sleep
  • Sound Therapy used to disrupt the neural signal
  • The Listening Program® SLEEP, which retrains the brain on how it interprets sound.
  • The Sound Pillow® Sleep System to relax the body and promote sustainable sleep.
  • Hearing Aids, which correct hearing loss and allow for sound masking.
  • Alternative Therapies (psychological counseling, biofeedback, relaxation techniques, and neuromonics therapy to reduce the contribution of stress to the condition)

Get The Help You Need With Acadian Hearing’s Four-Step Process

#1 - Schedule A Tinnitus Assessment

The first step is to schedule an assessment by submitting the form on this page. Acadian Hearing has hearing experts and options available to help you get the upper hand on the ringing in your ears.

#2 - Discuss Tour Tinnitus Challenges With Your Audiologist

Once you have made contact, we’ll schedule an appointment and have you fill out a tinnitus questionnaire to bring to your appointment. The questionnaire will give your audiologist some quantifiable information regarding your case history, tinnitus symptoms, and health history.

#3 - Visit Acadian Hearing For Your In-Person Consultation

A hearing and tinnitus evaluation determines the pitch and intensity of your symptoms. Your audiologist will also begin a customized tinnitus management plan to start helping you get control over your condition.

#4 - Support Every Step Of The Way

Ongoing follow-up appointments are a must in the treatment of tinnitus. Your follow-up appointments will be based on your unique circumstances and treatment program in-office or using tele-audiology, depending on your location and preferences.

Schedule A Tinnitus Assessment

The irritation and frustration caused by tinnitus are manageable.

Rather than being taken in by the newest “tinnitus curing” gadget or formula, consult with our tinnitus care experts who utilize proven treatment methods with measurable results.

To schedule an evaluation, complete and submit our form, so one of our experts can give you a call to answer your questions and concerns, as well as schedule a tinnitus assessment.
Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question!

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